When people think of life insurance, they often picture a policy that pays out only after death—a means of securing loved ones in the event of a tragedy. But cash value life insurance is a different story. It’s a financial powerhouse that goes beyond providing a death benefit to becoming an essential tool for building wealth, protecting your future, and[…]
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Smart Money Moves Now, for Lowest Tax Bracket
Strategic Tax Planning: Leveraging Asset Allocation for Lower Income Taxes in the Future Income Taxation and How Tax Brackets Work Understanding tax brackets is foundational for effective tax planning. The U.S. tax system is progressive, meaning that as your income increases, so does the tax rate on your additional income. This system divides income into segments (brackets), each taxed[…]
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Ask ANY questions related to insurance, finances, retirement. No investment advice here, just good financial common sense. info@LifeGuy.com 877-LIFE GUY
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Life Insurance for Your Dog 🐶
*I know you clicked on this article expecting to insure your dog’s life, but let’s be real, Fido’s not the one paying the bills around here. Hey there pet owners! It’s your favorite LifeGuy here to talk about something that’s probably not on your mind right now, but definitely should be: what happens to your furry friend when you pass[…]
Read moreLessons from the SVB Bank Collapse: The Power of Cash Value Life Insurance – Protecting Your Finances in Economic Downturns
In the wake of the recent collapse of SVB Bank, many people are left wondering how to protect their finances when banks fail. The truth is, even the most stable banks can collapse and it’s crucial to have a backup plan in place. One solution that is often overlooked is cash value life insurance. While many people think of life[…]
Read moreNEW PRESS RELEASE – FREE Life Insurance For One Year – LifeGuy.com issued 11/29/2022
In short, what is this about? Read below: WHAT: Press release for the official launch of the FREE LIFE INSURANCE PROGRAM available to Americans ages 18-68 – by LifeGuy.com WHERE: LifeGuy.com/pressrelease WHY DO I CARE? It may affect YOU or YOUR FAMILY (non-taxable benefit of accidental death life insurance). No income requirement or limited net-worth threshold. Read more… […]
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You have the final say on how you’ll be remembered
How will YOU be remembered? You have control over that, you know? People may not remember what you said, what you did, but they will always remember how you make them feel. Will your loved ones feel the love? Will they feel protected? You can make sure they feel that you cared enough to “take care of business”. Getting life[…]
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COVID-19 impact on Life Insurance – How will Coronavirus influence your ability to get life insurance to protect your family?
Protecting your family is my #1 goal In these confusing times, protecting your loved ones must be constantly on your mind. If you’re thinking of updating your life insurance protection, you may have many questions regarding the impact of the new COVID-19 outbreak in your ability to get life insurance. If you already have adequate life insurance, no need to[…]
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Things to do during Quarantine and Chill
Nothing to do when you’re bored and locked-up in your house due to the virus fears? Working from home is helping you stay away from potential infection but now you’re bored out of your mind? Netflix has nothing good and you played all the board games already? Maybe it’s time to give some thought and review your family protection plan:[…]
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Diagnosed as “Too Poor to Get Sick”? We have health insurance options for you
Until single-payor or “Medicare for All” becomes reality (I’m not holding my breath over that), you still need some affordable medical coverage. You can’t rely on GoFundMe campaigns to raise money for medical expenses. Crowd funding and bake sales have their usefulness, but healthcare is not one of their recommended uses. From as low as $17/month you can get[…]
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Adulting: Do you really need insurance in your twenties?
You’re young and still figuring out this adulting thing? Now is the time to make a few smart and low effort moves to protect your future and financial freedom. Health Insurance You’re probably off your parents’ health insurance, so you need to start shopping for your own plan. Not all employers offer health insurance benefits, especially if you’re working[…]
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Companies overcharging for Life Insurance lose clients to NEW TERM LIFE
NEW Life Insurance rates from $6/month Over the past decade the life insurance rates have dropped significantly making life insurance more affordable for young families as well as seniors. With the increase in life expectancy over the past century, some insurance companies have properly adjusted their rates based on the new actuary tables to reflect the lower mortality the population[…]
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Surviving cancer, financially
We all know someone affected by cancer and we all hate this dreaded disease. The second worst thing about a cancer diagnosis is the financial hole it will cause in your bank account. Back when the very first heart transplant was pioneered by Dr. Marius Barnard and his brother, he noticed that patients that didn’t have additional financial fears caused[…]
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Financial stress relief plan for those who count on you
Are you ever worried about the next paycheck, about putting food on the table, keeping a roof over your head? Poor planning for unexpected illnesses or accidents can cause real financial disasters that could impact your life and can change your future family plans. You can help you get PEACE OF MIND in three easy steps: start a BUDGET –[…]
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“Ashes to Vinyl”, your last mixtape – Coffee with LifeGuy
First, there was the simple urn. Then, we figured how to turn ashes to diamonds. Now, a new company is creating vinyl records from the ashes of loved ones to help them “live on from beyond the groove”. The only question is: what will YOU want your final record to play? Maybe your favorite song(s)? Maybe a recording of your[…]
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Do you understand your insurance policy? Coffee with LifeGuy
Have a coffee with the LifeGuy and discuss your insurance policy. Understand your insurance coverage and know the benefits, limitations, exclusions and coverage gaps in your insurance policy. Life insurance Health insurance, vision & dental Medicare insurance Accident insurance Disability insurance Cancer & Critical Illness insurance Do you have the right coverage for you? Are you under-insured? Over-insured? Paying[…]
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