This just in: Good news – We live longer! Bad news – need to save more for retirement

The genie granted your wish: you’ll live longer!

Did your retirement savings strategy adjust accordingly, to make sure you don’t deplete your funds too soon?

One of the indirect effects of longer expected life span, the life insurance companies pay death benefits later than predicted, turning a higher than expected profit. In return, some of this profit goes back to policy OWNERS (you) in the form of cash value, through dividends, interest, or refund of overpaid premiums. You may not now this, but this cash value grows over time with the power of compounding interest, growing your equity in your life insurance policy. This equity is measurable, predictable and sometimes can even be guaranteed. You can take a lump sum of cash out of your life insurance policy, as a loan backed by your life insurance policy, no other collateral, and you can use the funds on ANYTHING you need it for. Use it wisely! It’s YOUR money, Don’t waste it!

Some smart ways to utilize this equity would be for any large purchases (instead of paying interest to a bank or mortgage lender) and you can also utilize the equity funds to supplement your retirement funds.

As part of the “ZERO Risk, ZERO Debt, ZERO Tax Retirement Strategy“, life insurance equity allows you to stretch your retirement dollars longer, while lowering your tax burden and avoiding certain risks that could derail your retirement plans.


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