There is an exclusive “Million Dollar Retirement” Club, and you’re invited

There’s an exclusive group of the top 10% earners in this world, and that’s the Million Dollar Retirement Club. That’s right, only one in ten Americans get to enjoy a retirement backed by $1,000,000 or more in savings and assets. Furthermore, if you have over $2,000,000 in assets in retirement, you’re in the 2% baby!

I know you have dreams of reaching at least a million dollars by retirement age. But, for 90% or us, life happens. Sometimes, we have the potential but we don’t have the discipline to work towards building our million dollar nest egg. What if I could show you the “Million Dollar Retirement” blueprint, and help you get on your way to building the retirement you really dream about, without changing much of what you’re currently doing? Get on my calendar and let’s talk.


Find a spot on my appointment calendar as I can only help two customers per day. Open to seminar presentations, as schedule allows.

You’re hereby invited to join the MDRC – “Million Dollar Retirement Club”!

Schedule an appointment

with your “Million Dollar Retirement” Agent – Daniel “LifeGuy” Dragan.




See my calendar








