$500,000 for $20? Yes, if you’re a healthy female age 35!

I’m almost jealous of the low rates women pay for some things, like life insurance. “Boys will be boys” does translate in higher insurance rates for us, dudes. I’d say it’s not fair but come on, guys, let’s take a page from the women’s book. They manage to live longer, let’s also learn to take better care of ourselves.

All while taking care of those that matter to us.

If you have questions on how you can improve your financial situation while taking care of your loved ones, let’s chat.

Yes, a 35 year old female that doesn’t smoke and is in generally good health, can get up to $500,000 in life insurance benefit for a bit over one “Andrew Jackson bill” or $20 per month. Think about it: life changing, isn’t it?  And what would a 35 year-old male pay for the same benefit? Just a bit over $25/mo. 

Let’s chat, I got more good news. 




